Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Okay, even though I'm not spending all day with Mom & Dad anymore, that doesn't mean I'm any less photogenic. The ladies at daycare take photos from time to time.

9-10-10 032.JPG



9-10-10 055.JPG

It's taken a few weeks, but I'm finally sort of getting adjusted here. The last two days I didn't even cry when Dad dropped me off!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


These days I am getting up in the mornings and going to daycare. I like it there, I guess. I cry when mom and dad leave me there though, because I am only little. At daycare, I take a nap on a cot. Well, sometimes.

This past week, Uncle Andy came to visit. He brought birthday gifts from him and Aunt Kimberly. They always find the best stuff.

Uncle Andy

They brought me blocks. I love to stack them, bang them together, and then put them into an empty box.


They also brought some C R A Z Y glasses.

Monkey eyes

I tried to be polite about it, but to tell you the truth, I don't really care for them.

Mother approved

Last night I stayed up way past my bed time and went to this thing called something like Ballon Glow, over at Forest Park. The entire family unit rode the tandem bike over there, with me hooked up in the trailer. It was our first family bike ride in St. Louis. There were a lot of cars. It was kind of scary. But it was worth it. I loved seeing all those glowing balloons.

Balloon glow

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Settling in

We're all settling in to our new house, new city, new daytime activities. I had a great first day in daycare. My second day I went home with a fever (I've never been sick before). My third day I wasn't allowed back because of my fever the previous day. Then my fourth day went well again. I enjoy napping on the cots.


At home, Daddy set up my crib. After sleeping in the pack-and-play for three weeks I almost forgot what my real bed was like.


I spend a good deal of time exploring. Ooh, I can even get into the kitchen cabinets.


Next week I'm looking forward to going back to daycare, exploring the house and neighborhood, and a visit from Uncle Andy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Another heck of a week

Week two in St. Louis was even busier than week one. I tried to be on my bestest behavior because I could tell Mom & Dad were both way stressed. I entertained myself for hours in our hotel room, racing back and forth along the floor.


I was all over the place

I usually slept pretty well (okay, except for a couple times). Since we were all the same room, Mom & Dad kept extra quiet and turned all the lights off so I could sleep better.

Warm glowing warming glow

Mom works in the dark

Dad & I did lots of walking (and a little bit of cycling) out in the hot sun. Dad got new sunburns everyday, while I worked on my sweet leg tan. We hit the zoo a few more times, as I enjoy spending time with other apes.

Ape feet

Whose feet are bigger?

Chow time

Chow time!

Finally, last but not least, we moved into our new house!!! Sort of. Well, we're here, except all we have is what fit in our car. The place is pretty bare at the moment, but that's kind of good as I have more room to crawl.

Lucky red hat

My new home

I love this place!